Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Community Outreach I Disability Attorneys I Disability Attorneys of Michigan

Network Outreach I Disability Attorneys I Disability Attorneys of Michigan Inability Attorneys of Michigan Participate in a Volunteer Day Helping Southwest Solutions, Beautification Day. The Neighborhood Beautification Day is a basic piece of Southwest Solutions exertion to â€Å"engage accomplices, occupants and different volunteers with an end goal to actuate parcels, make network nurseries and workmanship, tidy up parks and battle scourge and decay.†Erika Riggs and staff individuals from Disability Attorneys of Michigan, as of late chipped in the â€Å"Southwest Solutions Beautification Day.†Southwest Solutions is an association precious to our firm the same number of our customers have gotten significant treatment there for an assortment of psychological well-being debilitations at practically no cost.Southwest Solutions is likewise known for their lodging and workforce help programs, veterans’ administrations, and youth mentorship.This year’s Beautification Day tidied up 15 distinct regions of Southwest Detroit, including:Bennett ParkCabrini ClinicCorktown ViaductGo-Getters Drop-in CenterHousing Resource CenterHubbard Farms Community GardenLafayette Park (UNI)Larkins/McGraw Early Childhood OfficesMatrix Theater Company Community GardenMichigan Avenue Business AssociationSaint Anthony’sSouthwest CornerstoneSpringdale/Woodmere Block Club Community GardenStanton ParkWilshire ApartmentsWith the assistance of several network volunteers, including staff individuals from Disability Attorneys of Michigan every one of these locales were beautified.Thank you to each and every individual who came out to help Southwest Solutions and our community!Disability Attorneys of Michigan. Humane Excellence. network occasions, Community Outreach, DA Michigan, Disability Attorneys, Disability Attorneys of Michigan, government managed savings inability lawyers, Southwest Solutions

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and Forces Against Brown

Do you recall your first day of school ? How was it ? Was it frightening? I wager heading off to an isolated school where you were getting a wide range of looks , its way changed the mid 1900's. from individuals making a decision about you about the garments you were to the style of your hair. This article examines Richard M . Nixon , the United States President in 1968 brought forth the advanced change development through open vouchers and other instructive change quantifies under his † Southern Strategy † that was intended to pick up the votes of people who contradict school integration . The political exercises in school integration after Brown by the two significant ideological groups , to be specific the democrats and the republicans are talked about. President Richard Nixon responded to the 1971 court choice on Swann stanzas Charlotte-Mecklenburg school locale , a school integration case that affirmed to utilization of race to dole out understudies to class by the utilization of transporting , by teaching the U.S. equity office to draft an established correction to invalidate the court's choice. (Kruger 1975 ) In my view President Richard Nixon was simply attempting to get white American votes . Transporting is as yet going today for instance ; where I stay I'm between two primary school's and you would imagine that my kids could go to the two schools yet that is not the case . I surmise the manner in which the school area settled the issue was by splitting up the area. Which I consider insane on the grounds that back when I was going to class my street specifically wasn't viewed as a bus station and our folks had the option to pick whichever school .they needed us to go to . Presently , the manner in which they isolated the area the cut off spot or street I should state is the street directly before mine . We didn't have that issue since we needed to go to the following street in any case to get the transport the equivalent precise street they use as a cut off for the primary grade school. I think its so childish how we as a people can't get along enough to join and become equivalent enough to get training . I believed that was the explanation behind the different however equivalent regulation . Restriction to class integration was extraordinary from the earliest starting point and proceeds right up 'til the present time ; and the outcomes are clear , that is , the whitest American don't bolster school integration ( Jeffries , 1994 ; Motley , 1998 ; Olgetree , 2004). This is so evident on the grounds that In 1970 , Vigor High School on Wilson Avenue , which had been Prichard's white secondary school during isolation , was 70% white . By 1980 , It was 80% dark . Albeit the vast majority of Prichard's outstanding larger part white territories were in this region , numerous families had placed their understudies into parochial or tuition based schools . Before this came about Prichard was predominately white until they move dark in the zone to work at the paper plant. I thoroughly concur with blunt browns contention preferring combination on transports and in every aspect of open settlement and travel . Individuals have battled with/on hundreds of years to increase equivalent rights . Western human advancement has been described by the authoritative control by white guys. This force structure has much of the time and verifiably barred ladies and minorities . In the United States , in spite of the fundamental doctrine that † all men are made equivalent , † it has taken a very long time of battle to increase equivalent rights . Equivalent rights , of correspondence under the steady gaze of the law , implies that all people are dependent upon similar laws of equity. Individuals must be dealt with similarly with/as/for respect to race , sexual orientation , national cause , skin shading , religion or inability. African Americans were one of the primary gatherings allowed equivalent rights in the United States , through the entry of the fourteenth Amendment , which banned servitude . Accomplishing equivalent rights as a general rule took one more century of battle . Ladies , also , albeit allowed the option to decide in favor of/by 1920 , keep on moving in the direction of equivalent rights , most as of late through compensation value . Congress ought to end all projects in light of the damage they caused minority understudies. I am so happy they passed the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that No individual in the United States will , on the ground of race , shading , or national starting point , be rejected from cooperation in , be prevented the advantages from claiming , or be exposed to separation under any program or action accepting Federal budgetary help . Uniformity implies everybody has an indistinguishable amount of everything ; nobody is viewed as unrivaled or sub-par. Fairness implies that all youngsters can grow up and go to class with equivalent access to the English language here in America . Everybody ought to be treated as reasonably and as deserving of regard and fundamental rights as their companions from the second they are conceived . Individuals having the option to act naturally , strolling through existence with inborn qualities that ought to be viewed as nonpartisan, for example, ethnicity , skin shading , sexual orientation , physical incapacities , mental inability without confronting separation dependent on their essence or attributes.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Types Of Tourism And Their Importance Tourism Essay Essay Example

Kinds Of Tourism And Their Importance Tourism Essay Orchestrating to The World Tourism Organization ( WTO ) , Tourism is directly the biggest business known to man. The World Tourism Organization ( WTO ) is relied upon there is making a trip to be 1.6 billion overall tourers by 2020, contrasted with 2002, there is simply 715 million overall tourers in 2002. Along these lines, a group of states, no undertaking immature and creating, touristry head start of remote money total compensations and making occupation chances for individuals. Fitting to McIntosh et Al, touristry can be delegated the figure of the marvels and connections take topographic point from the deals of tourers, friendly gathering administration provider, concern merchant, the host authoritiess, the start of the authoritiess and nearby networks in the system of pulling and facilitating these tourers and other visitant. Fitting to Page, touristry as a buyer movement is consistently being created by the touristry business and individual worries, as selling is utilized to grow new build, stocks and benefits and finishs. This reflected in the worldwide association in creating specialty stocks: excursion yearss concentrated on explicit inclusion and exercises. We will compose a custom paper test on Types Of Tourism And Their Importance Tourism Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Types Of Tourism And Their Importance Tourism Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Types Of Tourism And Their Importance Tourism Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Murphy contend that, as the touristry developed in size and range it become clear that this industry, similar to other people, strive for restricted assets and capital, that its non-wasteful properties did non needfully stay away from the erosion or modification of appealing powers. 2.2 Sustainable Tourism Economical touristry hypothetical record is identified with the ethical standard of practical turn of events, which in theory upheld that individuals battle to run into their ain requests, in all probability estimated against the model of life by and by delighted in ( World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987 ) . Manageable advancement can indicate as the measure of the tradeoff between the interest s and point of the present, and those of the great beyond ( Archer and Cooper, 1994 ) . Blending to Butler ( 1993 ) , he challenges the utilization of the term maintainable touristry, in perniciousness of its cash, thinking that it suggests the consideration of touristry itself, whatever its effects, rather than the consideration of the human or physical setting inside which the touristry happens. Fitting to Butler et al upheld the term supportability touristry advancement, influencing touristry which is improvement and in such a way, that nation ( network and condition ) , in such a graduated table, it will remain functional in an erroneous term, non chop down or adjust the wonders ( human and physical ) , of which there is such an extent, its prosperity advancement and illegal exercises and systems each piece great as different advantages. Clarke ( 1997 ) proposed that the improvement of the idea of reasonable touristry include four assaults which are perfect inverse, whereby economical touristry and mass touristry were viewed as polar antonyms ; a degree, whereby practical touristry and mass touristry were no longer observed as polar antonyms, yet rather it was recognize that there were distinctive sunglassess of manageable and total touristry, which would bring together at the inside ; movement, an assault which recommended that positive activity could do total touristry female pony maintainable ; assembly, is the idea that a wide range of touristry can attempt to be supportable. ( J. Swarbrooke, 1999 ) 2.3 Ecotourism Each examination laborers and essayists have the distinctive portrayal and definition on the term of ecotourism. Out of the grouping of definition about ecotourism, there is one of the most cited definition originated from Hector Ceballos-Lascurain ( 1987:13 ) . He characterized that, the ecotourism or other than referred to as biological touristry can sort as a kind of touristry that includes going nearly without break. Ecotourism other than can indicate as going to unadulterated common nations with the main purpose of breaking down, turn upward toing, and take pleasance in the regular scene and its wild vegetations and zoologies each piece great as any gettable social aspects ( both days of old and these days ) that can be found in these nation. ( Luck, 2003 ) Ceballos-Lascurain ( 1990 ) other than contended, nature-arranged touristry implies logical, tasteful and philosophical push toward to travel, despite the fact that environmental tourer is non a talented researcher, inventive individual or logician. The a large portion of import ground is that the individual who complete ecotourism gets the opportunity of procuring nearer with regular habitat in a mode ordinarily non bing in the city life that normally loaded with power per unit region. ( Weaver, 2009 ) In light of Stanford Research Institute ( 1990 ) , the ecotourism portrayed as the quickest turning area of the entire universal touristry industry, it has expanded pace of 30 percent for each twelvemonth. Ecotourism watched the effects, both positive and negative, of house workers and worldwide touristry. Other than that, ecotourism is other than a kind of touristry stock that advances security and bolster supportable improvement while holding an insignificant effect on the earth. Ecotourism other than includes going to removed areas to larning the vegetation, zoology and untamed life vitalize being in their local home grounds. It other than offers the chance to perceive how nearby individuals live and work. ( Abraham, 2010 ) Blending to Hundloe, to summarize, great misgiving of administrations, social affectability and commitment with the neighborhood network are the three boss issues which separate ecotourism from its cousins green touristry and supportable touristry. 2.3.1 Significance of Ecotourism Sierra et all ( 1999 ) accepted, ecotourism can be depict as one of the most potential instruments in the arsenal of the cutting edge earthy people . Ecotourism is an earth more amiable and possibly progressively maintainable interchange to extractive exercises. For delineation, logging, agribusiness, uncovering, or chasing of untamed life. Nearby individuals may hold an opportunity being off from a mood of poverty and, by sharing their data among neighborhood individuals and tourer about the nearby geography and biology, which can help to develop up a more grounded awareness of network pride and a more extensive, increasingly planetary position that is conscious of the significance of biodiversity to person in the great beyond. Ecotourism give an opportunity to since quite a while ago run insurance of nature and its assets. The hot topographic purpose of organic decent variety is generally the least immature state which is the financial arrangement of the state is unconventionally in drive individuals to destruct the common habitat. Ecotourism other than give an opportunity to ensure the earth and organic decent variety that about nonextant. Whereby, this is other than chance to deliver more pay to keep investigate endeavors. An eco-visitor appealing powers, the arrangement enlistment expense can be more distant coordinated to the logical comprehension about the natural condition ; bolster detainment, recovery or re-afforestation ; or semisynthetic effect checking, to ensure that does non chop down dish assets. Orchestrating to Sierra et Al ( operation cit ) , to additionally confirm the developing of planetary touristry, the relationship sandwiched among touristry and the earth is requires being obviously course to chop down the hurtful and gain by significant effects. The visual part of ecotourism offers emphasize to the interest for future experts to create fit achievements in touristry and biological heading. 2.3.2 Ecotourism in Malaya Malaysia is one of the states from South-East Asia and it is notable as a multicultural state. Multicultural has non simply made the state as a supplement Eden, it has other than made Malaysia topographic point to keeping hundred vivid celebrations. Malaysia was other than celebrated with the warm and benevolent nearby individuals. Fitting to Smith, In Malaysia, touristry division is directly the second-biggest industry after the manufacture was the biggest business in Malaysia. The specialists association mindful on propelling touristry industry in Malaysia is Tourism Malaysia or other than name as Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board. Due to the land foundation, Malaysia is each piece varying as its progress. The state is isolated into two sections, promontory of Malaysia with 11 regions and two regions on the northern bit of Borneo which is Sabah and Sarawak. The state is covers a whole nation of 329 758 km2 in South East Asia. The run of the mill states of the state is ever warm and sticky all through the twelvemonth. Malaysia was recorded as one of the most organically assorted states known to mankind. Malaysia is a bewildering state with army abundance of biodiversity. The nation of the state is allowed with numerous regular completion and alluring power, for example, vegetations, zoologies and untamed life, wonderful coastline, outsider Marine water life, large downpour woods and the greatest and most seasoned collapses the universe. ( Daud, 2010 ) An alone common and social in addition to variegation is the thing that Malaysia genuinely had. Along these lines, eco-the travel industry in Malaysia was extremely positive, executable, manageable and strong signifier of touristry. In the twelvemonth of 2008, Malaysia has won The Best Ecotourism grant by TravelWeekly ( Asia ) during the Industry Award 2008 which s held in Singapore. It is the second clasp that Malaysia was regarded after 2007. It wa

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Equality Diversity on Disabled Persons Essay - 2750 Words

Equality Diversity on Disabled Persons (Essay Sample) Content: Equality Diversity on Disabled PersonsName:Institution:Task:Tutor:Date:Equality Diversity on Disabled PersonsIntroductionIndividuals in the society need to be given services from government institutions without any biasness. This means that all people regardless of their gender, religion, age, race or disability should be given equal treatment. It is identified that all human beings are equal irrespective of their background or their physical or mental conditions (Bagihole, 2009, p.76). There are some instances that the people who offer services assume that certain group of people in the society should get better services than others. This is usually based on the class and the social status in the society. This practice is unethical and limits the enjoyment of human rights, which dictates that all people should be treated equally. This is to prevent incidences of some section of the population feeling inferior and left out. It is the role of the government and the pub lic to ensure that these basic rights on human beings are not denied on any individual.In social and health care sector, the problem of discrimination is common especially to the people with disability when they want to access services. Disability can be in different forms with the most common being physical disability followed by mental disability. Most of the times, the individuals with these kind of disabilities are relatively less helpless than other healthy and normal individuals. This makes them require increased attention from medical practitioners in addition to being assisted in a number of things. Inequality based on disability in the health care sector is unprofessional and does not match with the roles and responsibilities of medical practitioners (Bagihole, 2009, p.87). Disability is not a choice of an individual but a condition that may be related to genetics, accidents or hereditary. Therefore, people with disability should be treated equally and thus get better servi ces as other people. This paper looks at inequality due to disability and how it affects the experience of individuals or groups. Further, the paper uses Personal Cultural Structure model to understand how inequality affects disabled people and the problems associated with the trend. Finally, the paper looks at organizations campaigning against inequality and the services they provide to achieve this objective.How disability discrimination influence experiences of individuals and groupsInequality related to disability is influenced by the extent to which the patients can be able to take care of themselves. Individuals who have disabilities which are physical may be prevented by health care management from accessing the health care. This is especially so if the hospital has no special attendants to serve the disabled individuals. The patients are seen as a nuisance to the operations of the hospital and they are regarded as a bother. This is from the fact that the physically disabled persons need to be assigned health practitioners to keep watch on them. This is in addition to ensuring that the things that they may require are provided in time. Disabled patients especially those who have problems in moving about require that the health practitioners carry out activities such as washing them. Some of the practitioners find this unwelcome and this influences their decisions to turn them down from accessing their services (Mental Health Commission, 2012, p.27). The disabled persons thus feel oppressed in that they are denied a chance for better health service based on their disability. This increases their chances of getting depressed and they suffer from lowered self-esteem.As a group of disabled persons, the individuals may be isolated from the other patients making them feel unwanted by the society. When individuals are not given a chance to interact with others in the hospital set up due to their disability; they feel left out (Mental Health Commission, 2012, p .28). It is common to find incidences that as a group they are taken to a common ward or location where they are not given the necessary attention. The disabled patients most of who may be weak and lack physical capacity to feed themselves may go hungry for hours. It is also common to find incidences when these groups of disabled individuals fail to take medicine in the required time frames. Bringing the disabled individuals together and failing to offer necessary attention may further lead to injuries. This could happen when there are individuals among the group who have mental problems and may start fights. When this kind of a thing happens and the health practitioners are not around, those with physically disability end up suffering more. This is from the fact that they are relatively helpless to defend the selves from injuries and fights.Structural, cultural and personal impacts on disabled individual and group experiencesIn understanding how the inequality related to disability is practiced and spread in social and health sector; a PCS model is relevant. The PCS model is a tool that is used to analyse how personal, cultural and structural factors influence the behaviour and beliefs of people resulting to incidences of inequality and discrimination (Singh, 2012, P.3). Personal discrimination is influenced by actions of individuals who perpetuate behaviours that lead to discrimination. In disability discrimination, personal discrimination is common from the health care practitioners where an individual thinks that disabled individuals are a liability to the hospital. This is from the fact that once a patient is brought to the hospital the individual expected to provide care, gives more attention to the more healthy patients. The individual may also not give the disabled person an ability to get services before other patients, though he or she may be weak or unable to support himself or herself. This attitude of individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s results to suffering o f the disabled who feel helpless and have little they can do to assist them self. This type of discrimination may be out of ignorance or prejudice to certain members in the society, which means that the behaviour may be persistent for relatively a long time.Cultural discrimination on the other hand is based on the attitudes and the beliefs of the society towards certain people (Singh, 2012, P.3). The cultural may be based on the society or it may be a characteristic of the identified organization. Through cultural discrimination, individuals as a group think that no people are entitled to special favours including in a health care set up. This means that in instances that a person with disability is brought to hospitals, the other patients waiting to be served cannot give him a chance to be served first. There is the cultural believe that people should be served by the medical practitioners on the basis of when they arrived in the hospital. This is discriminatory in that; disabled individuals may not make to wait for long in the queues due to their physical problems. Therefore, it is expected that the patients should offer these individuals and groups to get medical attention first.Structural discrimination originates from the political, social and economic environment and the power relations as well as process in a given system (Singh, 2012, P.3). Structural discrimination plays a role in discrimination of groups and individuals with disability by looking down on their social status. Individuals with disabilities who come from poor background rarely get adequate services as they are unable to finance them. In some health care structures, it is passed that people should not be treated if they cannot afford to pay for the bills. Therefore, this makes the health care practitioners in such institutions fail to offer necessary services to groups with disability, who most of them have limited funds. The structures of health care set ups are also characterized by differing social classesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ wards and services. This makes the disabled persons fail to get quality treatment because they are also considered to belong to a lower social class in the society. Therefore, through structural discrimination, inequality in health services offered to disabled individuals as well as groups is common. The discrimination leads to suffering of the disabled individuals who may succumb to death in some instances.Problems related to multifaceted oppression on disabled personsDiscrimination that is related to disability is multifaceted and results to various oppressions on the affected individuals or groups (Thompson, 2012, p.91). One of the oppression on this group is through manipulation of different powers by the health practitioners and the society. The health practitioners, who have expertise power, know that the disabled persons must want to get their services to get well. This makes them use this power to manipulate them through giving the service s in prejudiced manners. They understand that the disabled persons are less empowered and they may not be in a position to take legal actions against them. The services therefore given to the disabled person at times are seen as a favour instead of their right. This is because the health practitioners assume that they can decide when to give the services and when to withdraw them. The disabled groups and individuals sometimes suffer from discrimination to an extent they have to beg to get services (Mental Health Commission, 2012, p.31). This kind of behaviour is unacceptable in a civilized society where equality should be upheld on all individuals irrespective of their health status or social status.Disabled persons further suffer from oppression related to the services offered once admitted in the hospitals (Mental Health Commission, 2012, p.32). The individuals and groups that are characterized by mental health problems are regarded as unequal...

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Act Utilitarianism Versus Kant s Principle Of Ends Essay

Act Utilitarianism versus Kant’s Principle of Ends. Introduction There are many theories out there when it comes to any kind of ethics. I will be discussing Act Utilitarianism and Kant’s Principle of Ends. Both are good theories, but they do have their differences. I think that how we perceive either of these depends on how we were brought up by our families and what we believe in when it comes down to making decisions. While both are similar theories they are also different in their own way. All of my research on this paper I pulled from our book â€Å"Ethical Choices† 2011. Theories, Pros, Cons and Opinion Act Utilitarianism is the morally right act, for any situation, is that act which produce the greatest overall utility in its consequences. (â€Å"Ethical Choices† 2011). Act utilitarians believe that we need to understand what is right and what is wrong in order for us to make ethical decisions. In doing so, it tells us what we ought to do to promote the greatest amount of utility. In this view, we are focused on the scope, duration, intensity and probability of our actions. The scope tells us how many people are affected by certain actions; The duration tells us the amount of time that the effects our actions last; Intensity tells us how differently people are affected by our actions in that no two situation affect people the same; and, The probability tells us that we can’t predict our futures, but we can estimate how are actions affect others. In act utilitarianism weShow MoreRelatedKant And The Moral Law1451 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction: Kant argues that mere conformity with the moral law is not sufficient for moral goodness. I will argue that Kant is right. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How My Writing Has Improved - 1515 Words

After this semester of English 102, at Bristol Community College I feel that I have gained the skill to articulate what I want to convey to the reader in many ways. I don’t just look at grammatical error, but instead I look for ways to make my sentences more effective and concise. Nevertheless, I hope that this strategy will continue to help me improve my writing even further on in the future. My strong points as a reader have also definitely improved after reading the poems and stories we experienced this semester. Writing has been an important form of expression for me. I find myself to be very soft spoken and speaking verbally is usually difficult for me because I can’t always seem to find the right words to say. I feel that I am more expressive and have more control over what I want to say. While this semester progressed toward its end, I have learned new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audiences. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. I believe that I have grown at organization and careful stream my thoughts as well. Before I would just begin writing my papers without any plans or organization, along with no definite idea of where I would be going with the assignments, but throughout this course I’ve learned that you should base your paper around your thesis statement. Another skill I took from this class was to value my classmate’s responses, from their reactions made me much more aware that my main ideasShow MoreRelatedHow My Writing Has Improved Greatly Improved After Taking English 103928 Words   |  4 Pagesterm â€Å"writing†, they don’t really associate this with a single course that they have taken in high school or college. Rather, most people view â€Å"writing† as a process that evolves as we become capable of thinking in more abstract manners. 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ThroughoutRead MoreMy Writing Process Works For Me970 Words   |  4 PagesThe first semester of W131 has given me the chance to become more familiar with my strengths and weaknesses in my writing process. One of the main things I contribute to my progression in writing is practice and revision. W131 has given me the resources I need to become an effective writer by pushing me to think deeper about what writing process works best for me. To find what writing process works for me, I have experimented with different writing techniques along with alternative reading techniquesRead MoreMy Writing, Peer Editing, And Analyzing Readings899 Words   |  4 PagesThr oughout the English 101 course, I believe I have thoroughly improved in my writing, peer editing, and analyzing readings, along with annotating my thoughts, misunderstandings, and difficulties. I believe I have especially improved on my thesis statements, providing the basis for my essays. My thesis statements have went from being plain and uninteresting to being more detailed, clear, and concise. This enabled me to produced better written essays that are rich in detail, rhetorical statementsRead MoreMy Writing Skills Improved Over The Last Semester950 Words   |  4 Pages My Writing Skills have improved Over the Last Semester While attending writing class, I learned about the 4 steps in writing, bases for revising, organizing, and connecting specific information, and I also learned about the different types of essays such as descriptive, narrative, process, cause and effect and argumentative essay. I have been a student at Milwaukee Area Technical College for 1 semester, and over the course of my enrollment I have grown and learned more that I knew prior to attendingRead MoreWhat I Learned From My Writing905 Words   |  4 Pageshave created trends in my writing. My approach to writing, point of view, and writing styles are similar in all of my papers. I have taken the skills I learned from my previous experiences of writing and improved them in this class. My liberal ideas that have been embedded in my writing since high school are shown and reflected in multiple projects that I’ve completed. Many of my grammatical errors began to stick out and I have since learned how to correct them. English 11 00 has helped me to correctRead MorePortfolio Writing Review And Reflection893 Words   |  4 PagesPortfolio Writing Review and Reflection When I started this class, I never thought I was a â€Å"good† writer. Ironically, after this class, I have learned how to be an organized writer and the term â€Å"good† is extremely unclear and subjective. From the short stories and questions to the individual essays, each assignment helped me practice and develop my writing skills. Overall, I think my writing has improved and the process of writing, something I often over looked, has immensely helped my writing. My literacyRead MoreReflection Paper1317 Words   |  6 Pagescame to writing. I used to struggle with forming my thoughts into writing, let alone a paper. I was never confident with what I wrote. My writing had no greater purpose other than the assignment. My writing process included: writing my paper, proofreading it, and turning it in. Once the paper left my hands, it also left my mind. Throughout this course we worked with others, visited the writing lab, wrote critiques, and we were able to revise our papers. I believe that all of this is has caused meRead MoreTransition Into The New Material And Learning Experience866 Words   |  4 Pagesfeelings. It was tough work, and a lot of it but in the long run I truly believe I have such stronger writing skills. The hard work paid off and has significantly benefitted me. On the first day of class I said, â€Å"I hope I can gain the knowledge to write a strong, solid, long essay. I hope a I can learn to transition into the new materi al and learning experience.† I believe I completed these goals. I wrote my longest essay in this class and I’m proud that I accomplished that. I would never know what toRead MoreReflection About My Writing Process925 Words   |  4 Pages My writing process have improved thank you to my English 100 level class at Arizona Western College. I feel more confident with my writing style. At the beginning of the class I was very confused with the writing process and the steps to make an essay. I had a difficult time developing an outline and putting together my ideas, so I was not able to write an essay with a good structure. In addition, my grammar was not the best, and some of my sentences were incomplete. During the class period I learned

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Applications of Discrete Mathematics free essay sample

Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous. In contrast to real numbers that have the property of varying smoothly, the objects studied in discrete mathematics such as integers, graphs, and statements in logic do not vary smoothly in this way, but have distinct, separated values. Discrete mathematics therefore excludes topics in continuous mathematics such as calculus and analysis. Discrete objects can often be enumerated by integers. More formally, discrete mathematics has been haracterized as the branch of mathematics dealing with countable sets (sets that have the same cardinality as subsets of the integers, including rational numbers but not real numbers). However, there is no exact, universally agreed, definition of the term discrete mathematics. Indeed, discrete mathematics is described less by what is included than by what is excluded: continuously varying quantities and related notions. The set of objects studied in discrete mathematics can be finite or infinite. The term finite mathematics is sometimes applied to parts of the field of discrete athematics that deals with finite sets, particularly those areas relevant to business. Research in discrete mathematics increased in the latter half of the twentieth century partly due to the development of digital computers which operate in discrete steps and store data in discrete bits. Concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful in studying and describing objects and problems in branches of computer science, such as computer algorithms, programming languages, cryptography, automated theorem proving, and software development. Conversely, computer implementations are significant in applying ideas from discrete athematics to real-world problems, such as in operations research. Although the main objects of study in discrete mathematics are discrete objects, analytic methods from continuous mathematics are often employed as well. Discrete mathematics is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume only distinct, separated values. The term discrete mathematics is therefore used in contrast with continuous mathematics, which is the branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can vary smoothly (and which includes, for example, calculus). Whereas discrete bjects can often be characterized by integers, continuous objects require real numbers. The study of how discrete objects combine with one another and the probabilities of various outcomes is known as combinatorics. Other fields of mathematics that are considered to be part of discrete mathematics include graph theory and the theory of computation. Topics in discrete mathematics Complexity studies the time taken by algorithms, such as this sorting routine. Theoretical computer science includes areas of discrete mathematics relevant to computing. It draws heavily on graph theory and logic. Included within theoretical computer science is the study of algorithms for computing mathematical results. Computability studies what can be computed in principle, and has close ties to logic, while complexity studies the time taken by computations. Automata theory and formal language theory are closely related to computability. Petri nets and process mathematics are used in analyzing VLSI electronic circuits. Computational geometry applies algorithms to geometrical problems, while computer image analysis applies them to representations of images. Theoretical computer science also includes the tudy of continuous computational topics such as analog computation, continuous computability such as computable analysis, continuous complexity such as information-based complexity, and continuous systems and models of computation such as analog VLSI, analog automata, differential petri nets, real time process algebra. Information theory The ASCII codes for the word Wikipedia, given here in binary, provide a way of representing the word in information theory, as well as for information-processing algorithms. Information theory involves the quantification of information. Closely elated is coding theory which is used to design efficient and reliable data transmission and storage methods. Information theory also includes continuous topics such as: analog signals, analog coding, analog encryption. Logic Logic is the study of the principles of valid reasoning and inference, as well as of consistency, soundness, and completeness. For example, in most systems of logic (but not in intuitionistic logic) Peirces law is a theorem. For classical logic, it can be easily verified with a truth table. The study of mathematical proof is particularly important in logic, and has applications to automated theorem proving nd formal verification of software. Logical formulas are discrete structures, as are proofs, which form finite trees[8] or, more generally, directed acyclic graph structures[9][10] (with each inference step combining one or more premise branches to give a single conclusion). The truth values of logical formulas usually form a finite set, generally restricted to two values: true and false, but logic can also be continuous-valued, e. . , fuzzy logic. Concepts such as infinite proof trees or infinite derivation trees have also been studied,[11] e. g. infinitary logic. Set theory Set theory is the branch of mathematics that studies sets, which are collections of objects, such as {blue, white, red} or the (infinite) set of all prime numbers. Partially ordered sets and sets with other relations have applications in several areas. In discrete mathematics, countable sets (inc luding finite sets) are the main focus. The beginning of set theory as a branch of mathematics is usually marked by Georg Cantors work distinguishing between different kinds of infinite set, motivated by the study of trigonometric series, and further development of the theory of infinite sets is outside the scope of discrete mathematics. Indeed, contemporary work in descriptive set theory makes extensive use of traditional continuous mathematics. Combinatorics Combinatorics studies the way in which discrete structures can be combined or arranged. Enumerative combinatorics concentrates on counting the number of certain combinatorial objects e. g. the twelvefold way provides a unified framework for counting permutations, combinations and partitions. Analytic combinatorics concerns the enumeration of combinatorial structures using tools from complex analysis and probability theory. In contrast with enumerative combinatorics which ses explicit combinatorial formulae and generating functions to describe the is a study of combinatorial designs, which are collections of subsets with certain intersection properties. Partition theory studies various enumeration and asymptotic problems related to integer partitions, and is closely related to q-series, special functions and orthogonal polynomials. Originally a part of number theory and analysis, partition theory is now considered a part of combinatorics or an independent field. Order theory is the study of partially ordered sets, both finite and infinite. Graph theory Graph theory has close links to group theory. This truncated tetrahedron graph is related to the alternating group A4. Graph theory, the study of graphs and networks, is often considered part of combinatorics, but has grown large enough and distinct enough, with its own kind of problems, to be regarded as a subject in its own right. [12] Algebraic graph theory has close links with group theory. Graph theory has widespread applications in all areas of mathematics and science. There are even continuous graphs. Probability Discrete probability theory deals with events that occur in countable sample spaces. For example, count observations such as the numbers of birds in flocks comprise only atural number values {O, 1, 2, . On the other hand, continuous observations such as the weights of birds comprise real number values and would typically be modeled by a continuous probability distribution such as the normal. Discrete probability distributions can be used to approximate continuous ones and vice versa. For highly constrained situations such as throwing dice or experiments with decks of cards, calculati ng the probability of events is basically enumerative combinatorics. Number theory The Ulam spiral of numbers, with black pixels showing prime numbers. This diagram ints at patterns in the distribution of prime numbers. Main article: Number theory Number theory is concerned with the properties of numbers in general, particularly integers. It has applications to cryptography, cryptanalysis, and cryptology, particularly with regard to prime numbers and primality testing. Other discrete aspects of number theory include geometry of numbers. In analytic number theory, techniques from continuous mathematics are also used. Topics that go beyond discrete objects include transcendental numbers, diophantine approximation, p-adic analysis and function fields. Algebra Algebraic structures occur as both discrete examples and continuous examples. Discrete algebras include: boolean algebra used in logic gates and programming; relational algebra used in databases; discrete and finite versions of groups, rings and fields are important in algebraic coding theory; discrete semigroups and monoids appear in the theory of formal languages. Calculus of finite differences, discrete calculus or discrete analysis A function defined on an interval of the integers is usually called a sequence. A sequence could be a finite sequence from some data source or an infinite sequence from a discrete dynamical system. Such a discrete function could be defined explicitly by a list (if its domain is finite), or by a formula for its general term, or it could be given implicitly by a recurrence relation or difference differentiation by taking the difference between adjacent terms; they can be used to approximate differential equations or (more often) studied in their own right. Many questions and methods concerning differential equations have counterparts for difference equations. For instance where there are integral transforms in harmonic analysis for studying continuous functions or analog signals, there are discrete ransforms for discrete functions or digital signals. As well as the discrete metric there are more general discrete or finite metric spaces and finite topological spaces. Geometry Computational geometry applies computer algorithms to representations of geometrical objects. Main articles: discrete geometry and computational geometry Discrete geometry and combinatorial geometry are about combinatorial properties of discrete collections of geometrical objects. A long-standing topic in discrete geometry is tiling of the plane. Computational geometry applies algorithms to geometrical problems. Topology Although topology is the field of mathematics that formalizes and generalizes the intuitive notion of continuous deformation of objects, it gives rise to many discrete topics; this can be attributed in part to the focus on topological invariants, which themselves usually take discrete values. See combinatorial topology, topological graph theory, topological combinatorics, computational topology, discrete topological space, finite topological space. Operations research Operations research provides techniques for solving practical problems in business and other fields † problems such as allocating resources to maximize profit, or cheduling project activities to minimize risk. Operations research techniques include linear programming and other areas of optimization, queuing theory, scheduling theory, network theory. Operations research also includes continuous topics such as continuous-time Markov process, continuous-time martingales, process optimization, and continuous and hybrid control theory. Game theory, decision theory, utility theory, social choice theory I Cooperate I Defect I Cooperate | 1-10,0 1 Defect 10, -10 1-5, -5 | Payoff matrix for the Prisoners dilemma, a common example in game theory. One player chooses a row, the other a column; the resulting pair gives their payoffs I Decision theory is concerned with identifying the values, uncertainties and other issues relevant in a given decision, its rationality, and the resulting optimal decision. Utility theory is about measures of the relative economic satisfaction from, or desirability of, consumption of various goods and services. Social choice theory is about voting. A more puzzle-based approach to voting is ballot theory. Game theory deals with situations where success depends on the choices of others, which makes hoosing the best course of action more complex. There are even continuous games, see differential game. Topics include auction theory and fair division. Discretization into discrete counterparts, often for the purposes of making calculations easier by using approximations. Numerical analysis provides an important example. Discrete analogues of continuous mathematics There are many concepts in continuous mathematics which have discrete versions, such as discrete calculus, discrete probability distributions, discrete Fourier transforms, discrete geometry, discrete logarithms, discrete differential geometry, iscrete exterior calculus, discrete Morse theory, difference equations, and discrete dynamical systems. In applied mathematics, discrete modelling is the discrete analogue of continuous modelling. In discrete modelling, discrete formulae are fit to data. A common method in this form of modelling is to use recurrence relations. Hybrid discrete and continuous mathematics The time scale calculus is a unification of the theory of difference equations with that of differential equations, which has applications to fields requiring simultaneous modelling of discrete and continuous data.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Synthesis On Race And Ethnicity Essay Example For Students

Synthesis On Race And Ethnicity Essay With the commencement of the millennium one might think that what is known as the melting pot of the world would interact more smoothly than what is portrayed in the media. We have long lived in a society that is segregated, not because it has gone unopposed, but because no one wants to take on the responsibility of breaking the Berlin Wall of segregation. We have, however, come a long way from the kind of segregation that was imparted in our countrys fledgling stages, slavery being the number one offense of segregation. A quarter-century ago, race was part of everyday public discourse; today it haunts us quietly, though on occasion the Rodney King beating or the Simpson trial or Eric McGinniss death it erupts with jarring urgency. At these moments of crisis, during these squalls, we flail about, trying to find moral ballast. By then it is usually too late. The lines are drawn. Accusations are hurled across the river like cannon fire. And the cease-fires, when they occur, are just that, cease-fires, temporary and fragile. Even the best of people have already chosen sides (Kotlowitz, 414)To have any race or sect serve another because they believe they are higher and mightier than the other is preposterous. By our own nature we, as a society, strive to dominate others and become the King of the Hill. This is our major downfall, by doing this we injure our society and the bond that holds this country together. Why does this occur you might ask? That is a question to be answered only by anthropologists and sociologists; for students do not have the time or inclination to sort through behaviorisms and psychological mumbo jumbo. Many of our youth were taught to stay within their own ethnic groups. This mentality is what gave rise to the Klu Klux Klan, the Chinese prisoner camps of World War II, and the ethnically segregated neighborhoods of today. Some are taught to hate other ethnic groups, some have preconceived notions of how other cultures act, and still others have had bad run-ins with other ethnic groups and judge them all from the one incident. As William Booth, a Washington Post staff writer, said in his essay One Nation, Indivisible: Is It History,, Houses of worship remain, as the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. described it three decades ago, among the most segregated institutions in America, not just by race but also by ethnicity. We will write a custom essay on Synthesis On Race And Ethnicity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Think how difficult it is to measure the ratio of cultures and ethnic backgrounds to how we integrate with each other. Whites account for seventy-four percent of the population, Blacks twelve percent, Latino ten percent, and Asians three percent (Booth, 395). It is easy to see how Whites could be perceived as the oppressors because of the shear evidence of the numbers, showing Whites as the majority. Morrow lends a good point when he says this might be because of the simple fact that most of Americas celebrated heroes are White. Then again, with rising minority populations across the country, soon we will all be on a level playing field, speaking the same language and things of that nature. Language is a big issue in todays society. With dozens of ethnic backgrounds, and the languages that come with them, which do we teach in our schools? How do we discern which to offer and which to adopt as courses in our schools? Then there is the issue of our native tongue. Do we dare change the language that is so well known in our country? And if so what would we change it to? Until we have answers to these questions, they should be looked over and the immigrants who decide they would like to live in America should abide by our laws and policies as our forefathers dictated in the Constitution. .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .postImageUrl , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:hover , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:visited , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:active { border:0!important; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:active , .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48 .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uebc0008c083a146b34324281501ffa48:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Homeless monologue EssayIt is all about perspective which has everything to do with our personal and collective experiences; from our histories we build myths, legends that both guide us and constrain us; legends that include both fact and fiction (Kotlowitz, 411). This, in fact, is how each of our respective ethnic groups derives the reinforcement for our stereotypes and prejudices. Throughout the sixties and seventies, I watched one group after another African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans stand up and proudly reclaim their roots while I just sank back ever deeper into my seat. All this excitement over ethnicity stemmed, I uneasily sensed, from a past in which t heir ancestors had been trampled upon by my ancestors, or at least by people who looked very much like them. In addition, it had begun to seem almost un-American not to have some sort of hyphen at hand, linking one to more venerable times and locales. (Ehrenreich, 415) We banter over who is right and who is wrong like squabbling children when we do not see what is going on right under our noses. Most are more interested in winning a battle when we need to band together to win the war. All of America should look at the facts of the matter and collaborate, not separate. Morrow, a columnist for our revered student newspaper The Quad, explains it best when he says, When others seek you out, dont look down on them with arrogance. As our society exists today we can not eliminate prejudice or stereotypes. We must change and adopt all cultures and ethnic backgrounds as our own. Americans need to treat each other as a conglomerate, not as separate groups. But the persistence of ethnic enclav es and identification does not appear to be going away, and may not in a country that is now home to, not a few distinct ethnic groups, but dozens (Booth, 397). We can only hope that some day, as Americans, we can learn to accept and share the significant things every ethnic background has to offer. BibliographyAckley, Katherine Anne, ed. Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Reading across the Disciplines, 2nd Ed. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt, 2000. Booth, William. One Nation, Indivisible: is it History? Ackley, 393-399. Ehrenreich, Barbara. Cultural Baggage. Ackley, 415-417. Kotlowitz, Alex. Colorblind. Ackley, 411-414. Morrow, Carl E. Minority role models in communities are difficult to come by. TheQuad 29 Feb. 2000: The Forum, page 9. Social Issues

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal

Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal Ethics in organizations is an important ingredient of organizational success. Both the employers and employees ought to act ethically to ensure that the goals and objectives of the organization are achieved (Mello, 2006). However, given the different personalities and thinking of human beings, ethical problems in organizations are inevitable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As such, it is important that the human resource department of each organization puts in place appropriate measures to deal with ethical problems facing them. It is because of this that most organizations have in place a â€Å"code of ethics† that shows the expectations of the employer with regard to ethics. The main ethical consideration affecting my division is the high rate of absenteeism by most of the workers. Upon careful review of the workers’ mas ter roll books and clocking schedule, I have noted with a lot of concern that most of the workers fail to report to work during some days of the week. This is a weighty issue because the production rate in my division has in turn significantly gone down. Upon further calculation of the hours lost by the absent employees, the Account department has noted a decline in company’s profits in the last quarter of the financial year. This prompted my department to find out the reasons behind the high rate of absenteeism. It has come to my attention that the workers are complaining of long working hours with few breaks which makes the workers very fatigued and opting to allocate themselves off-days by being absent from work. It is my humble request that a re-schedule is made on the duty rooster of the workers to incorporate more breaks during working hours as well as rotational off-days for the workers. I also request the incorporation of three shifts in my division instead of the cur rent two in order to have workers work for shorter hours. This will not only reduce the rate of absenteeism but it will boost the morale of the workers thus increasing productivity hence higher organizational profits. In addition, it will also improve the reputation of the company on the basis of corporate social responsibility. Diversity is yet another significant issue of concern in organizations. It is brought about by the differences in the culture, race, social class, age and gender of different people (Bohlander Snell, 2007). Given the increase in rate of globalisation where companies are operating in the international market, the issue of diversity is inevitable.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Miscommunication is one of the diversity considerations that are prevalent in my division. Given the fact that the division currently holds people from different cul tural backgrounds who speak different languages, the workplace has in the recent past become hostile. This has significantly affected productivity since most of the time is either spent in arguments or resolving disputes instead of doing constructive work as expected. It is therefore my appeal to the Human Resource Director that proper sensitization and education is done to all the workers in order to make them accustom to different cultures and backgrounds. This will help promote an open and clear atmosphere in the workplace where each individual feels safe and comfortable. This will in turn increase productivity of the workers hence profits. In addition, the human resource department could make formal communication to all the workers regarding the common language to be used in the company in order to avoid cases of miscommunication. Reference List Bohlander, G., Snell, S. (2007). Managing human resources (14th ed.). Mason, OH:  Thomson Higher Education. Mello, J. (2006). Strate gic Human Resource Management. Westford: South-Western  Cengage Learning.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Critical Review Paper Expansion Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critical Review Expansion - Term Paper Example Their views are important for international political thought, because they influenced present international political economy theories and helped paved the debate on political ideology, particularly shaping the discourse on the concept of â€Å"civil society† and the rise of nation-states vis-a-vis â€Å"civil society.† Kant, Rousseau, Locke and Hobbes have diverging views on the relationship between the government and civil society, as well as the notions of slavery, sovereignty, direction of international politics, and peace, but they share somewhat similar beliefs in the role of education and the state of nature of humanity. Locke and Hobbes have diverging views on the relationship between the government and civil society. Hobbes believes that Europe has changed as a civil society through the evolution of the social contract. The Commonwealth only exists because of the Covenant between the people and the government or the state. Hobbes says in the Leviathan: â€Å" Essence of the Common-wealth; which (to define it) is ‘One Person, of whose Acts a great Multitude, by mutual Covenants one with another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient, for their Peace and Common Defense.’† This statement shows that the main goal of the government is to ensure peace and national defense. The covenant or social contract, however, for Hobbes is absolute, where the state incorporates the wills of the individuals; the state is the body and individuals are just parts of it: â€Å"The only way to erect such a Common Power† is â€Å"to confer all their power and strength upon one Man, or upon one Assembly of men, that may reduce all their Wills, by plurality of voices, unto one Will† (Hobbes). This statement underscores that the social contract binds all individuals. On the one hand, it enforces plurality of wills. On the other hand, it means the precedence of the state over civil society. Locke confirms the same views as Hobbes and argues that Europe also changed because of the need for the social contract. Unlike Hobbes, Locke believes that people take part of social contracts merely to help adjudicate disputes between individuals or groups. He says: â€Å"And this is done, where-ever any number of men, in the state of nature, enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government†¦to make laws for him, as the public good of the society shall require†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Locke, Two Treatises on Government). From here, it is clear that Locke believes that it is the people or civil society that legitimizes the state; while for Hobbes, it is the government that legitimizes the existence of a peaceful civil society. My criticism of Hobbes is that he overlooks that the people make the government. The social contract binds the people, but the people can unbind some laws too in order to make the contract fit their changing needs and issues. I agree more with Locke, who reminds governments of their servitude to the civil society. It does not mean, however, that the civil society will also abuse its rights and fully void the social contract without due justifications. Moreover, Locke and Hobbes diverge on the notion of sovereignty. Locke argues that civil

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dividend Policy in Publicly Traded Companies Essay

Dividend Policy in Publicly Traded Companies - Essay Example For a firm with good future growth and investment opportunities, investors want the firm to put the earnings in other investment opportunities. Where as for a non growth company, investors would prefer present dividend income rather future capital gains which are uncertain. [2] Dividend policy of a firm will divide the earnings into two parts as Dividends and Retained Earnings. Dividends are paid to the investors as cash for their share of the assets of the company. Where as Retained Earnings are used to fund the long term growth of the company, which are used to generate future earnings. The percentage of Dividends distributed and Retained Earnings are determined by the Payout Ratio of the Dividend Policy. Higher the Payout ratio, higher the Dividends and lower the Payout Ratio imply lower the Dividends. Usually growth oriented firms have lower payout ratio and higher Retention Ratio. That means large amount of earnings are retained to increase future earnings. The investors of low dividend paid companies will get their returns through capital gains. The relation between growth and Payout Ratio can be best understood by Dividends on one hand increase cash earnings of the investors and reduce the share on the assets of the firm. In the case of high tax on the earnings of the dividends by the government investors are more interested in firm to keep the earnings for future growth of the earnings. Otherwise for a low growth oriented firm investors want cash dividends as they can earn more return else where. According to Miller and Modigliani in a perfect market condition and in a no tax situation investors are indifferent to a company that pays dividend and another not pays dividend. What ever the investors lose in the form dividends are gained through capital appreciation. The investors believe that the dividends are put to earn further gains in the future. On the expectation of increased future earnings the prices of the stock increase giving the investors capital investors which they can make by selling the stock at higher price. But stock market history shows us that dividends are really matter for any particular stock. Most of the non dividend paying companies are invariably loss making dogs[4] These companies does not have earnings capacity in their business and are struggling even to pay the dividends shareholders. Investors think the company has lost the earning capacity. The selling pressure decreases the prices of those non dividend company shares. This is quite opposite to what the dividend theory of stock market as well as what Miller-Modigliani postulated. "One look at the JSE highest dividend yield share reveals the problem: It is Northern Engineering Industries Africa whose 3 000% dividend yield places it way ahead of second placed SA Reit at 70%."[5] The above example explains that the highest dividend paying Northern Engineering Industries has a higher price than the SA Reit, in spite of both the companies operate in the same industry. Higher dividends attract more and more investor interest in the stock. Thus the price of the shares increases on the future dividends as well as capital gains. Based

Friday, January 31, 2020

Industrial Revolution Essay Example for Free

Industrial Revolution Essay The business environment has transformed drastically since the advent of new technology and Industrial Revolution became a period of radical change from manual work to automated technology and advancement, which kept making life simpler with time. Some of the greatest organizational and socioeconomic revolutions in history occurred as a consequence of innovations in communications technology and media. The contraption of the printing press, for instance, in the mid-fifteenth century by the German typographer Johann Gutenberg initiated the knowledge revolutions in science and technology, commerce, engineering, law, and politics. Ultimately, the print medium gave rise to the market economy based on paper and given to the industrial revolution. The development of electricity in the nineteenth century instigated a series of other revolutions that transformed industrial society in reflective ways. It led to an extensive range of electrical and electromechanical inventions, including the light bulb, the dynamo, the electric motor and hundreds of electric machines based on it, as well as the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and television. These diffused all through the economy, influencing the nature and location of production, the structure and operation of business organizations of Europe in 1900, including offices and factories and the marketplace itself. Eventually, they came to comprise the technological underpinnings of the hydroelectric and communications and transportation infrastructures we know today. These, in turn, inclined the evolution of the mass production, mass consumption, and mass communications society of the twentieth century. Business organizations have undertaken extreme restructuring by modifying their means of communication and synchronization of work activities. New technology has made it promise for companies to work on a real-time basis, whereby products and services are conveyed to the right place at the right time. Since then, information technology has propagated and has undergone significant improvements. Costs have sustained to decline as these new technologies have emerged. A business not supported by a network of computer systems (primary information technology) is more or less destined to fail, since it will be incapable to compete efficiently in todays complex and dynamic environment. The invention of the telegraph instigated the first truly electronic communications revolution and gave rise to the age of instantaneous global electronic communications. Besides representing a thriving commercial business itself, the telegraph became the foundation of a number of significant new business ventures. One of these was a printing telegraph invented in 1855 by David Hughes in which messages were typed out at the transmitted and receiving ends. It provided the incentive for P. J. von Reuter in Aachen, Germany, to form his own company in 1849 to transmit commercial intelligence including stock market information across Europe. The telegraph had an unusual impact on business in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. By making information obtainable instantly across the markets of the world, it integrated local, national, and international markets, thus obliterating the monopoly power and control that numerous business organizations had over local and regional markets. The telegraph transformed the spatial and temporal organization of economic activity all through the world and came to synchronize the social, economic, and political activities of one and all across space and time. The telegraph provided the crucial and cumulative break of the identity of communications and transportation, wrote James Carey, author of three books and over 100 articles and essays on mass communications and the media. The telegraph became a model of and a mechanism for the control of the physical association of things, specifically for the railroad†¦ [It]†¦ brought a decline in arbitrage, [that is,] the buying cheap and selling dear by moving goods around in space . . . [and it affected] the practical awareness of time through the erection of standard time zones. (Carey 133-137). The development of the telephone precipitated the second electronic communication revolution in the late nineteenth century. Because it was a two-way medium and as it carried voice, the telephone initiated a more publicly and economically considerable communication revolution than the telegraph. The telephone is a wonder of technical and engineering design and operation, and it became the first true worldwide, instant, global, and personal, information, and communications medium. These days, the telephone system interconnects hundreds of millions of people around the world and provides them with the means to communicate instantaneously by voice, written message, computer, and facsimile whether they are at home, in the office, or in a car, a truck, or an airplane. The telephone became one of the most significant social and economic technologies in history by providing a medium for exchanging personal and business information, coordinating social, economic, and political activities, facilitating decision making, and merely keeping in touch. In addition, it does this with little or no human involvement. Developments in radio communications ushered in the age of commercial public broadcasting after the First World War. For nine months commencing on February 23, 1920, Guglielmo Marconi, commonly referred to as the â€Å"Father of Radio†, broadcasted a regular news service from his transmitter at Chelmsford in England. These developments are significant in retrospect because they are not unlike the wave of mergers and acquisition and strategic alliances that leading manufacturers, network operators, suppliers of software, content, and services are implementing today in an all-out effort to create and dominate the electronic superhighways of the future. The postwar period witnessed the spread of telephone networks into the rural and remote regions of industrialized countries and the linking of all of them into a nationalized telecommunications infrastructure. At the same time, this infrastructure was ongoing to undergo transformations as a consequence of major innovations in switching and transmission systems, many of which were developed by the Bell System also known as â€Å"THE telephone company†. One of the biggest technological breakthroughs was the prologue of automatic, electromechanical switching. As it was automatic, it was faster and more efficient than manual switching, and it transformed the telephone business from an extremely labor-intensive to a highly capital-intensive one; one of the consequences was the drastic cut of telephone operators. Electromechanical switching progressively gave way to fully electronic switching in the sixties and seventies, and these ultimately to the computerized switching systems of today with their highly automated, software features that give them the capability to process voice, data, and image communications, route traffic optimally throughout the network, and to monitor, detect, diagnose, and repair problems as they arise. Both local and long-distance communications were further transformed as a result of innovations in multiplexing and microwave radio and coaxial cable transmission systems. Both of these developments increased transmission competence and also improved economics by orders of magnitude that resulted in major reductions in the price of long-distance telephone service as well as stimulating a consequent increase in the demand for service. Multiplexing, invented by Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1927, was a way of modulating higher frequency transmission signals with lower frequency voice signals so that copper, for example, could carry several voice conversations concurrently. This meant a reduction in the use of copper and in the cost of local and long-distance services. The former transatlantic radiotelephone link was installed by ATT between the United States and England in 1929, and radiotelephone links were also recognized between North and South America. In 1933, European engineers began using microwave communications to transmit telephone signals across the English Channel, a distance of a dozen miles. But radiotelephone communications were not very reliable, and the quality of the signal was often poor for very long-distance transatlantic or transoceanic communications. A mass production, mass consumption culture, however, could not have advanced without the development of mass communications. Radio, television, newspapers and magazines, and advertising brought information, news, entertainment, and cultural content to an information-starved society, but all played fundamental roles in creating a mass consumption and mass production society. One of their most significant effects was through advertising. In the book, Communications in History, William Leiss, Stephen Kline, and Sut Jhally wrote, â€Å"The developed phase of the market industrial society is the consumer society†¦ What marketers had realized was that, with the population as a whole having far greater discretionary income, leisure time, and employment security than ever before, work was no longer the focus of everyday life. The sphere of consumption could take its place. By linking consumption through electronic media to popular entertainment and sports, marketers and advertisers eventually fashioned a richly decorated setting for an elaborate play of messages, increasingly in imagistic or iconic form, about the way to happiness and social success† (Leiss, Kline, Jhally 176). To keep their factories operating at maximum capacity and efficiency, in effect, to move the goods cascading off their assembly lines, business had to increase its selling efforts, and this meant tremendous investment and expenditures on advertising. Advertising played a big role in creating a consumer society in the early twentieth century. According to Daniel Pope, an expert on the history of American advertising, marketing, and consumer culture, as early as 1920, the lead in advertising had passed to manufacturers of nationally distributed brand-named goods†¦ it was in the formation of the national consumer market that the advertising industry as we know it these days was born and nurtured (Pope, 1983). Companies are not the only ones who have gained from advances in modern information technology. Consumers and interest groups have created strategic alliances and now capable to coordinate their activities as well as exchange ideas and thoughts through a number of database and network systems. For instance, owners of personal computers can subscribe to a computer network and, without difficulty, retrieve information concerning the products and corporations online. Such information can also be transmitted to other users without problems. This huge use of technology by both consumers and companies affects the way business is run today. These consumer strategic alliances know no geographical limitations; oftentimes, they are global in nature, particularly among the industrialized nations. As companies can get in enormous profits from the better coordination, greater product elasticity, improved quality, leaner production, and more time-based competitiveness that information technology offers, they also facades the threat that can come from these consumers strategic alliances. For instance, corporations can no longer ignore consumer demands for constant product quality, reliability and respect for the environment, or timely delivery of services. As we move towards an increase in advanced technologies, the labor force must be retrained. This training must not only expose workers to the technical matters adjoining the new process, but also to the new focus of the organization. They have to be made responsive of the importance of advanced technology in improving work methods and in remaining competitive and therefore employee compulsion to the new process is imperative. Advanced technology by itself adds little or no value to an organization. There should be organizational, as well as employee dedication, to exploit the technology to the maximum level. For instance, with an ever-increasing use of computer-integrated manufacturing systems, and the stream of technical documentation that accompanies it, employees have to be skilled in recognizing the critical information at the right time. Once that information is recognized and properly interpreted, there must be an organizational dedication to use the information to make better decisions. Without this potential, the organization cannot take advantage from new technologies. Human resources’ management, therefore, will persist to be a critical factor in the survival of any organization. We sum up the influence of information technology on human resources as follows: †¢ Information technology transforms the mode of communication and work processes. †¢ Custom or standardized operations are replaced with skilled and multi-skilled workers. An extremely trained labor force is desired to manage information technology. †¢ Worker motivation and satisfaction might improve since workers are no longer restricted to routine operations, enjoy management powers, and can contribute to developments in their work processes. New technology also has an impact on the organization itself, as follows: †¢ Organizational reformation is required. This reformation makes the organization flat. Decision-making powers are decentralized. †¢ Communications are better and the organization is capable to make timely responses to its environment. †¢ Introduction of new products and services is improved and varieties of products can be efficiently introduced and marketed by the organization. †¢ The organization is competent to improve its efficiency, quality, and competitiveness. Todays advanced technology can, conversely, easily become a basic technology. A rapid increase of new technologies also brings rapid obsolescence of earlier technologies. Policies concerning technology must not be static; they must keep evolving. George Stalk Jr, a writer of the Ivey Business Journal (1988) points out that competitive advantage is a persistently moving target†¦The best competitors, the most thriving ones, know how to keep moving and always stay on the cutting edge. A company should be able to evaluate potential new technologies quickly. The goal must be to remain competitive, and effective management of technology is a vital step in achieving this. With an increased focus on customer satisfaction, technology is a decisive means for achieving customer satisfaction. Browning, a writer for the Economist Magazine (1990) notes that a learning organization uses technology incessantly to refresh its knowledge of its customers’ wants and to work out new ways of satisfying them. This commitment to be a learning organization needs vast resources, however. For example, Browning also points out that building a learning organization necessitates new skills, clever people and capable machines. Noticeably, technology and human resources should be used together for the organization to stay competitive. Vincent Barabba and Gerald Zaltman, authors of Hearing the Voice of the Market (1991), note that hearing the accent of the market and making constructive use of it with respect to the voice of the firm is a learning progression. Essentially, the voice of the market has to be interpreted into facts and tasks that will lead to suitable products or services to satisfy customer needs. This is related to the application of quality function deployment, whereby the organization expands its strategic plans to assure customer needs. Thus, a learning organization should also be a caring organization. As a caring organization, its major objective is to please its stock or stakeholders, its customers, and employees, and also to be collectively responsible. The traditional organization, with the focus on satisfying stockholders alone, is varying to this new form, with a sophisticated stakeholder group. Thus, technology and human resources’ management are recognized as key variables that facilitate an organization to improve its productivity, quality, and competitiveness. A critical constituent is the information technology, which offers both opportunities and challenges. The organization should show understanding to its environment via its policies, and be learning and caring organization, as time and reliability influence competitiveness. Finally, organizations should innovate and constantly move to achieve new targets, particularly in view of todays rapidly developing new technologies. This is not to deny that the extent of interaction has increased gradually over time, though the time involved has been centuries somewhat than the last few decades. The diverse industrial revolutions paced this up. Basically, once two societies trade, they become mutually dependent. The stock markets subside in New York in 1929 triggered the Great Depression in all parts of the world because of their momentous economic relationships with the United States. Interactions were closer than they had been previously and they were to become even faster. The complex capitalist economies were tied intimately together in the long run, even if short-term fluctuations were less rapidly passed on (Aiki 83-87). Though, is speed of such enormous important? We have a global stock market today, where the information from a stock market in one part of the world is broadcasted instantly to those in others. Ever since the start of the electronic communication era this has been the case. For example, information in London about the New York Market passed far more gradually before 1939 and even more slowly before 1914. It was slower in spreading around and was far less comprehensive than it is now. Nevertheless, big movements in the stock markets were known and reflected in the stock markets of the world. Short-term and small fluctuations are imitated all through world markets today, much more rapidly than they were in the thirties, but big and long-term fluctuations have always been reflected around the world once markets had become consistent (Collins, Porras. 1991). We can go even a further back and argue that globalization, in the logic of a growth in interconnectedness between members of different states, is itself only a special case of something more universal. In medieval Europe, most people typically did not stray from the area they were born in. They inspired mainly local goods and primarily produced either for themselves or for a very local market (Schlossberg H. 1992). Economies were mainly local. Trade over considerable distances took place on water either by sea or river, which accounts for the inconsistent number of towns and villages that were either by the sea or on rivers. Human beings have had a steady urge to detach themselves from the area as much as the technology of the day permitted. Certainly there have always been big movements, due to populations looking for better circumstances or due to conquerors building new empires. Under the Roman Empire, for example, large parts of Europe were ‘globalizing’ in this sense and the degree of globalization declined with the Empire’s retreat. The medieval Church could be seen as a globalizing force but the degrees of interaction and interdependence were much reduced in the so-called Dark Ages.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Conflict in the Emerald Isle Essay -- Ireland Politics Political Gover

Conflict in the Emerald Isle The island of Ireland is known for many things: St. Patrick’s Day, its green landscape, music, beer, and discord. The heart of this conflict began centuries ago, when Britain came over and forced Protestantism on the Irish Catholic inhabitants. There has always been hatred between the Irish Protestants and Catholics. The island is broken up into to distinct regions. The Republic of Ireland consists of 26 counties, which make up the southern region. This area is predominantly Roman Catholic. Northern Ireland is made up of the 6 northern counties, which are under British rule. This area is predominately Protestant. The conflict between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland is based on both religious and political views. Ireland is a relatively small island off the coast of Great Britain; its land area is 32,424 square miles (Delaney 2). When you think of Ireland you most likely think of shamrocks, St. Patrick, and Guinness beer. Another thing that may come to mind is the struggle between the Catholics and Protestants. The tension between these two religions goes back to the seventeenth century when William of Orange defeated James of England on July 12, 1690, hereby ensuring a Protestant ascendancy in Ireland (Coogan 4). This date is very important to the Protestants in Ireland and is celebrated annually. This was not accepted by many of the Catholic inhabitants. This was their home and Dodd 2 Catholicism was their religion and they didn’t like Great Britain coming in and forcing Protestantism on them. Then parliament passed The Act of Union in 1800, which ... ...onal interview. 5 March 2002. Coogan, Tim Pat. The IRA: A History. Niwot, Co: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 1994. Delaney, Mary Murray. Of Irish Ways. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1973. Fraser, T.G. Ireland in Conflict 1922-1998. London: Routledge, 2000. Golway, Terry. For The Cause of Liberty. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000. Ito, Tim and Aileen Yoo. â€Å"Ireland’s Troubled History†. The Washington Post.Com. 1998. The Washington Post Company. March 12, 2002 O’ Malley, Padraig. The Uncivil Wars: Ireland Today. Boston: Houghton Millflin Company, 1983. Wolf, Dr. Charles. â€Å"1908-16 Sinn Fein Propaganda Labels†. Rare Books and Special Collections. 2000. University of Notre Dame. March 12, 2002

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Quantitative Risk Assessment Essay

For the project of redesigning packing for the Canadian market, quantitative risk assessment plays an important role. Quantitative risk assessment is, â€Å"A process for assigning a numeric value to the probability of loss based on known risks and available, objective data†¦ used to determine potential direct and indirect costs to the company based on values assigned to company assets and their exposure to risk† (, 2014). For this particular project, quantitative risk assessment will be useful in determining not only which are areas of potential risk, but also to what degree these risks may affect the overall integrity of the project. Revised Project Background The project of the redesign of packaging for the Canadian market currently consists of four different product lines including Dial, Tone, Right Guard, and Dry Idea, and consists of over 50 variants spanning the four lines. Each new packaging design is independent of every other thus there exists no interdependency from design to the next. Each design observes a similar path consisting of initial review of changes, alterations, and additions by management, marketing, and the design team, initial layout of established changes by the design team followed by a first round review of changes by marketing, legal, management and compliance. If additional changes are required, a second round of design and review is implemented up to two additional rounds as needed. Upon successful acknowledgement of new designs, the artwork is then sent to our preproduction team for development to printer-ready artwork. Once completed, the artwork is sent to a third party production house for mockups to be created to be sent to the parent  company in Germany for final approval. If any designs are rejected (and they never are), commentary from Germany is implemented into further redesign and the process is restarted. Upon approval from Germany, artwork is submitted to the printer. Printer will then submit print-ready, color-calibrated proofs for final approval. Proofs are reviewed by management for final approval before actual printing. Once printed, packaging is sent to a fulfillment house to have labels applied to containers and filled with product or have wraps applied to soap bars. Upon completion of fulfillment, finished product is shipped to various holding facilities in Canada for final disposition. As previously stated, project will span eight months from inception to final delivery. Risk Identification Framework Management Delays: As the majority of the work for this project involves objective changes and adjustments to existing packaging, the first phase, initial review by management, involves nominal risk. Management will evaluate and select which products will receive updated treatment for inclusion into the Canadian market. Once the products are selected, management has no further involvement outside of potential cancellations of various packaging designs or their requested involvement during a particular phase of completion. Design Delays: As this project includes approximately 50 variants of packaging including labels and wraps, production must be coordinated to allow for enough time for completion of initial layouts and any necessary revisions, while taking into consideration the design needs and time constrains on the design team from other departments and for other projects running concurrently. While the project has a timeline of eight months, final design layouts must be approved and ready for preproduction within the first four months of the project. The in-house design team will complete the bulk of the design phase of the project, though external design agencies may be utilized if time constraints are threatened. It should be noted that the use of external design agencies would incur additional costs. Also, the design process will require an initial review before being released to the review team for official review, to ensure all parameters have been incorporated. Review Delays: This area constitutes the bulk of all potential delays. While each packaging component is independent of one  another, the review process for each component must be completed sequentially among the review team. There are five departments that will review each design layout and either approve or denote changes. Some of these potential changes are subject to additional changes or cancellations by other departments, meaning the first team may indicate several changes that the third team can then override if the indicated changes are deemed unnecessary. Also, the number of rounds of review may add potential delays to the overall project. Another potential area of delay exists with the timely completion of review by the required departments. Certain key staff may be unavailable to review a packaging design during a given time period. To circumvent potential risks, each member of the review staff will have two alternative staff members capable of reviewing each package design. Should no staff members be available to review, the particular review component is submitted to the manager of the appropriate department for their review. This becomes a last-resort scenario in that traditionally, managers indicate changes that exist outside the scope of the project. Review delays present unique difficulties in that not every team member provides feedback as to their daily availability. Pre-Production and Printing Delays: The preproduction team will transition the artwork from its final design to printer-ready artwork. There is typically no risk for delay in this area. The printer will then produce a final round of art proofs calibrated to their individual presses. One round of revisions is already assumed and build into this process. Additional revisions are not typical though can present a nominal risk. Corporate Delays: While exceeding unusual, corporate can play a small role in delaying a project by canceling one or more packaging designs, adding addition package designs above and beyond what management has previously approved, or by simply delaying the provision of final approval on all finished designed submitted. While these scenarios are unlikely, they do represent the extreme limit of delay-related risk in that they can affect the project for an indeterminate amount of time. Qualified and Quantified Risk Matrix Review Delays Reduce Risk Consistent communication with key reviewers. Engage alternate reviews if primary reviews are unavailable. Enlist managers is alternate reviewers are unavailable. Greater than two days review time by each responsible team member. Project Manager Pre-Production and Printing Delays Reduce Risk Constant communication with pre-production team and printer will reduce or eliminate risks. Buffers in timing are already built into production times. Delays indicated by pre-production team or printer. References Cooper, D. F., Grey, S., Raymond, G., & Walker, P. (2005). Project risk management guidelines: Managing risk in large projects and complex procurements. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons. (2014). quantitative risk assessment. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from Loch, C. H., DeMeyer, A., & Pich, M. T. (2006). Managing the unknown: A new approach to managing high uncertainty and risk in projects. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.